Hydrogen in mobility

Hydrogen for the powertrain mix of the future

The transformation of the automotive industry is ongoing. A broad range of powertrain systems will be needed to reach the climate targets. Hydrogen plays an essential role in the commercial vehicle mobility of the future because it can be stored and transported. Thanks to these characteristics, hydrogen can fill the gap between fluctuating regenerative production using surplus electricity and the demand at filling stations. Hydrogen drive systems therefore play a major role in the future powertrain mix.

“In the field of commercial vehicle mobility, the climate goals can only be achieved with hydrogen. That is why Bosch is driving forward the development of a hydrogen economy with conviction.”

Beate Grota Head of Business Unit Powertrain Solutions, Robert Bosch GmbH

Dr. Beate Grota

Member of the executive management at Powertrain Solutions

Climate neutral

Hydrogen produced with energy from regenerative sources is climate neutral


Since hydrogen is not hazardous to water, it can serve as a clean energy source – even in drinking water protection areas


Hydrogen can be stored and also transported in this form


Hydrogen can be used to produce usable energy of any kind, from heat up to high temperatures to electricity or kinetic energy

Bosch is comprehensively driving forward the hydrogen economy

Production distribution and application of hydrogen

Bosch has adopted a holistic view of hydrogen as an energy source and offers solutions and services along the entire value chain for the hydrogen economy. This includes technologies for the production of green hydrogen using renewable energy as well as solutions for the storage and distribution of hydrogen as a flexible, transportable energy source.

Bosch has also developed a broad range of technologies for the use of hydrogen in climate-neutral mobility applications, from fuel cell-electric drive solutions to systems for injecting gaseous hydrogen into hydrogen engines and scalable storage systems for all vehicle segments. In addition, hydrogen is used as an energy source for the production of renewable fuels.

Solutions for hydrogen drive systems

Fuel cell-electric drive technology

Fuel cell-electric drive technology

Bosch believes in the hydrogen-powered future and is investing continuously in this area

Fuel cell-electric drive

Fuel cell-electric drive

Convenient and exciting drive solution for long ranges

Direct injection for hydrogen engines

Direct injection for hydrogen engines

Evolutionary development of the internal-combustion engine to achieve carbon neutrality

Port fuel injection for hydrogen engines

Port-fuel injection for hydrogen engines

Evolutionary development of the internal-combustion engine to achieve carbon neutrality

Hydrogen storage system

Hydrogen storage system

Scalable for different applications and vehicle segments with a system pressure of 350 bar or 700 bar

Fuel cell power module

Fuel cell power module

The fuel cell system for commercial vehicles

Gas admission valve for large engines

Gas admission valve for large engines

Ready for use in single and dual-fuel engines

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