Bosch provides access to more than one million charging points worldwide

Electromobility: Bosch provides access to more than one million charging points worldwide

Charging their electric car quickly, conveniently, and most importantly, anywhere: for many drivers of electric cars around the world, this is often more of a wish than a reality.

“By integrating over one million charging points into one platform, we’re making it much easier for drivers of electric cars to search for and find them – all over the world.”

Marco Zehe

Marco Zehe

President of Bosch’s Electrified Motion division

Along with range and costs, charging is one of car drivers’ biggest concerns, as a study by the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW, PDF) shows. Bosch wants to remedy this with its proprietary platform, so it is now setting the next milestone for better access to charging infrastructure: offering more than one million charging points on four continents. This now makes the technology company’s network one of the biggest in the world. “Bosch’s declared aim is to make charging points widely accessible and put an end to the chaos caused by different charging apps,” says Marco Zehe.

Flexible access to the service either in the car or in the app

Users can access Bosch’s charging services with a smartphone app, and Bosch also offers its solutions for charging electric cars to vehicle manufacturers and companies. These services can be flexibly and easily integrated into a manufacturer’s look and feel and infotainment system, both functionally and visually, so that the driving and charging experience retain the manufacturer’s individual look and fit into its brand world. It takes just a few clicks to charge and pay – with full cost transparency.

Inventive charging services are needed: by 2030, Bosch expects one in three newly registered vehicles worldwide to be purely electric; by 2035, it will be one in two. “We anticipate a huge surge in growth for the charging services business over the course of the decade – because as the number of electric vehicles grows, so does the need for straightforward and comprehensive charging solutions. And that’s good for us,” Zehe says. By the end of the decade, Bosch is expecting its charging solutions business to expand by more than 50 percent each year.

Charge point access and payment

Charge point access and payment

Easy access to charging points and convenient payment are essential for an optimal user experience with electric vehicles. With charging services from Bosch, users have access to Bosch’s extensive, ever-growing charging network via a smartphone app and the vehicle display. Users can search out any of the network’s round 800,000 public charging points in Europe, start vehicle charging, and make payments – all from within the app or from their vehicle's display.

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